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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Gear CAD Design Based on UG Platform

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DOI: 10.25236/iceamc.2017.11


Ting Liu

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Ting Liu


With the continuous development of computer technology, Chinese scientific level to further enhance the CAD / CAM technology gradually mature, and in the aerospace, construction, electronics, machinery, automobiles and other fields are widely used, and in the machinery industry, gear Transmission is one of the most common transmission methods, the effective transmission of sports and power parts, the successful completion of the commutation, change, speed, deceleration and other actions, which put the gear parts put forward higher requirements. This paper mainly analyzes and studies the UG platform, the significance of UG platform in gear CAD design and the gear CAD design analysis based on UG platform, which is helpful to strengthen the design of UG platform in gear CAD design. Application provides a reference.


UG Platform, Gear, CAD Design, Design Optimization.