How to Stimulate the Students’ Motivation in English Learning?
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DOI: 10.25236/fmess.2017.45
Corresponding Author
Yang Zhao
Motivation is the inner cause and power of stimulating one’s action. At the same time, motivation is the psychological state for individual to start and maintain action. The study of motivation plays an important role in foreign language teaching. It guides the learners to make learning direction progress towards goals. Foreign language learning motivation is one of the most important factors to affect the learning result. Therefore, stimulating the students’ interests in learning from all aspects, making the students have enthusiasms in learning English and maintaining the motivation are the main problems which the teachers should pay attention to. Especially, through the stimulation of the intrinsic motivation, teachers could make the students have a long desire in learning to receive good learning result. Educators should combine the intrinsic motivation and the formed motivation of the students and maintain them for a long period.
motivation, stimulate, interest.