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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Design on the Wireless Detection of Soil Temperature and Humidity

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DOI: 10.25236/mmmce.2019.004


Qinzhu Wang

Corresponding Author

Qinzhu Wang


This design is mainly divided into two parts: collecting data on soil temperature and humidity through the machine part. Relevant equipment includes the DS18B20 temperature sensor and the YL-69 humidity sensor. Afterwards, the A/D converter transforms the analog quantity collected and sends out detected data to the receiver at the same time. The host machine mainly receives data sent by the sender and displays information on the LCD1602 screen. It also needs to judge and analyze whether the data exceeds the set range, so as to realize the alarm function. Meanwhile, keys can be used to set different temperature and humidity ranges for diversified environments. In this design, the main controller is a STC89C52 single chip computer; data transfer is achieved through wireless transmission mode and NRF24L01 communication. The ordinary mode of direct arrangement of wires is complex, unsafe and easy to be disturbed. Moreover, the instrument which integrates temperature and humidity measurement can neither provide data in real time nor receive data from a long distance. This design mainly takes the single chip computer as the core to realize various functions; data receiving and sending are realized through the wireless module. It is a feasible scheme for the measurement of temperature and humidity, and for the wireless transmission. It satisfied the requirements of this task.


Single chip computer, sensor, wireless transmission, alarm, display