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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press
Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Skills Mastered by Young Ideological and Political Teachers in Colleges and Universities

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DOI: 10.25236/issec.2019.158


Ni Cai

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Ni Cai


Based on young teachers’ deficiencies exposed in the ideological and political course, this paper puts forward several suggestions. First, young teachers should improve their ability to control the teaching materials, and emphasize more on important and difficult points. Second, the classroom presentation should be logical. Third, examples used in the class should be pertinent. Fourth, practical and pertinent topics should be selected according to social practice tasks. Fifth, the summary should be in place. Sixth, the teacher can choose different classroom teaching methods. Seventh, the management of classroom discipline should be attached importance. Eighth, the new teaching idea should be set up to realize the teaching objectives of knowledge, emotion and intention.


Colleges and universities, ideological and political class, logic.