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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of opioid drug crisis

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DOI: 10.25236/issec.2019.150


Yuanfang Zhang, Shuo Miao, Yuting Li

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Yuanfang Zhang


In recent years, with the proliferation of opioid use, the country is suffering from a serious drug crisis. This article will study this. First, we used the data provided by NFLIS to use Excel software to plot bar graphs of Total Drug Reports status data for five states from 2010 to 2017. By analyzing the data, we decided to use a multiple linear regression model. We used Matlab software to calculate the relevant data, and then used Google Earth Pro software to map the trend of the total amount of opioids in five states. Then we added the instability factors of family and marriage to the multiple linear regression model established by the first question to achieve the purpose of Optimizing the first part of the problem model. Finally, we conclude that opioid abuse is associated with destabilizing factors in family marriages. In unstable families, families are less able to bind their families and make family members more susceptible to depression. In the third part, we build a complete evaluation system through principal component analysis with the multi-possible variables to make the model perfect fit data to establish a complete evaluation system by searching data and data.


Multivariable linear regression model, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis.