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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

An Applied Research of BOPPPS Model Based on Ecological Theory in College English Teaching

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DOI: 10.25236/issec.2019.132


Yonglin Chen

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Yonglin Chen


Based on constructivism and communicative approach, the BOPPPS teaching model is known for its effective teaching design, with the Kolb experiential learning model as the teaching framework. It divides the teaching process into six elements, making students truly become the subject of teaching. The college English ecology class is based on the theory of educational ecology, fully respecting the needs of each student and building a balanced and harmonious classroom ecological environment through modern classroom teaching methods. The BOPPPS model coincides with many ideas in the theory of educational ecology. This paper combines the BOPPPS teaching model with the ecological college English teaching and explores a new teaching model through effective classroom teaching practice.


Ecological Theory, BOPPPS Model, College English Teaching.