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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of Modular Management Effect of Practical Teaching Course in the Application-oriented Universities

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DOI: 10.25236/issec.2019.128



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The modularization management of practical teaching courses in applied colleges and universities is the key to improve the quality of practical teaching in colleges and universities. It is different from the traditional teaching mode. In the new media era, the modularization management optimization evaluation of practical teaching courses in applied colleges and universities is carried out, the evaluation model of modularization management effect of practical teaching courses in applied colleges and universities is constructed, and a new method of modularization management of practical teaching courses in applied colleges and universities is explored. This paper puts forward an analysis model of modularization management effect of practical teaching courses in applied colleges and universities based on big data analysis. The quantitative recurrent analysis method is used to evaluate the modularization management effect of practical teaching courses in applied colleges and universities, and the statistical regression analysis model of effect evaluation is constructed. taking the hysteretic degree and rough set evaluation feature set as the constraint index, the quantitative regression analysis model of modular management evaluation of practical teaching courses in applied colleges and universities is established, and the nonlinear prediction algorithm is used to carry out the statistical analysis of the effectiveness of curriculum modularization management. The results of empirical test show that the model can effectively realize the modularization management and reliability test of practical teaching courses in applied colleges and universities. The evaluation results of practical teaching in applied colleges and universities are accurate and reliable, and the convergence of regression analysis is good, which improves the management ability of practical teaching courses in applied colleges and universities.


Applied colleges and universities, practical teaching, curriculum, modular management, effect analysis.