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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Origin, Derivation and Development of New Sports Words and Phrases in Contemporary Chinese Sports

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DOI: 10.25236/issec.2019.123


Li Jie

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Li Jie


This paper collects 11 dictionaries of new words and new phrases and some new sports words and phrases in the network report, builds a corpus, and conducts an all-round investigation and description on these new words and new phrases. Firstly, they are classified according to their range. Then their characteristics in terms of source, mode of production, semantics and pragmatics are analyzed. Finally, the reasons for the large-scale production, the development and spread of new sports words and phrases in the contemporary Chinese vocabulary system are explained from the perspectives of sociolinguistics and cognitive linguistics.


New sports words and phrases, loanwords, metaphor, metonymy.