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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Constructing and Reforming the Course of Film and Television Sound for Students Majoring in Directing

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DOI: 10.25236/issec.2019.080


Li Liu

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Li Liu


For students majoring in directing, the course of film and television sound is different from that course for recording specialty students, since they have different professional backgrounds while the course has different teaching objectives. The teacher is required to formulate a suitable teaching program for director specialty students in accordance with their features. This paper elaborates a concrete scheme on course construction from three aspects: the background of course research, what kind of knowledge on sound design should be acquired by students, and how to teach knowledge on sound design to students major in directing. It is hoped that the existing teaching mode of sound design course for director specialty can be reformed, and effective teaching plans can be worked out to help students grasp sound design methods effectively, so as to improve the sound production level of television programs and movies.


Director, film and television sound, reform, practice.