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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Functional Requirements of Mobile-end in Hybrid Teaching Based on Mobile-end

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DOI: 10.25236/ietrc.2019.103


Qiang Jin

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Qiang Jin


The information society has promoted the development of society, while the contemporary teaching mode is constantly updated. The diversification of teaching means has increased the channels for students to receive information and made teachers' teaching more convenient. However, the new teaching mode has broken the original teaching mode, and the renewal of technical means has also made education connect through man-machine, changed the original direct relationship between teachers and students, and brought new challenges. In this study, classroom teaching is carried out by using mobile terminal. Three mobile terminal teaching modes are compared: WeChat and two-dimensional code webpage links, Jiuzhu course platform and Super Star Learning Course Platform. It is pointed out that the functional requirements of mobile terminal, which have an impact on classroom interaction, are helpful to the improvement and perfection of the course platform.


Mobile Terminal, Hybrid Teaching, Functional Requirements