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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Sports Education and Training Based on Synergy based on Special Physical Quality Training of Students Majoring in Table Tennis

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DOI: 10.25236/ietrc.2019.052


Manman Zhao

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Manman Zhao


In sports teaching and training, students' physical fitness exercises can not only enhance and improve students' physical fitness, but also ease students' tense learning atmosphere. It is the main goal and task of table tennis special training course to improve the technical and tactical level and ability of table tennis special students. Quantitative and accurate data are used to test and feedback the process and effect of teaching and training, which can promote the quality of teaching and training. Regardless of the sport, the specific physical fitness is based on general physical fitness. From the perspective of synergy, the cultivation of professional practice ability of masters of physical education training should pay attention to the coordination of management level, improve management methods, and make the management system consistent with the training objectives. From the perspective of synergy, this paper constructs ways to strengthen the professional practice ability of postgraduate students in physical education training according to the requirements of the society for the masters of physical education and training.


Physical Education, Table Tennis, Synergistic Perspective