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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Application of Modern Education Technology in E - business Teaching

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DOI: 10.25236/fmess.2017.31


RunHong Peng

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RunHong Peng


With the development of computer and network technology, e-business has increasingly become an important part of various business activities. The modern education technology is applied to e-business courses teaching, optimize education effect by multi-channel and multi-mode teaching, cultivate high-quality skilled talent to meet the needs of the society. E-business teaching should actively strengthen the spread and application of modern education technology, through the scientific use of modern technology, so that the classroom teaching and management process has been effectively improved and optimized to innovate the school's education model. E-business teachers should actively use modern education technology to design, develop and utilize all teaching resources, explore more innovative and scientific teaching model, so that the current status of e-business teaching could be effectively improved.


Modern Education Technology; E-business; Application