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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Teaching Reform of "Human Resources Management" in the Training mode of Applied Talents

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DOI: 10.25236/icemc.2019.031


Xiaoyi Lu

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Xiaoyi Lu


With the implementation of the strategy of developing the country with science and technology, the education of our country has been developing continuously, but there are still not enough in the way of education. In foreign countries, people pay more attention to the education mode of participation, cultivating students' interest and the applied talents which makes a new orientation for the training of applied talents and puts forward higher requirements for their own teaching of human resources management. These aspects are worthy of our reference and study. With the continuous development of education reform, and experience in practice, the main ideas involved in the mode of teaching can fully reflect the human resources management teaching curriculum reform in the process of teaching, constantly learn from each other, and fully improve the students' learning enthusiasm


Strategy of developing the country through science and education, Human resource management, Participatory, Applied talents, Learning enthusiasm