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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Research on Application of Grammatical Metaphor in English Meta-linguistic Texts

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DOI: 10.25236/aisallc.2019.076


Tao Long

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Tao Long


This paper purports to illuminate the application value of grammatical metaphor from an integrated perspective of functional analysis and cognitive analysis with a corpus-based analysis of English metalinguistic texts (EMTS). The notion of grammatical metaphor has long been a hot issue since it is first proposed by Halliday as one of the core concepts of systemic-functional grammar and in turn of functional stylistics. Recent years have witnessed some tentative efforts to investigate the application value of grammatical metaphor. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of cognitive linguistics and cognitive pragmatics, cognitive stylistics arises as a new interdisciplinary perspective on the style of the text. Likewise, systemic functional linguistics has undergone a cognitive turn in recent years.


Grammatical Metaphor, English Meta-linguistic Texts, Application