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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Negative Transfer of Minnan Dialect on Students’ English Pronunciation at the Suprasegmental Level

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DOI: 10.25236/aisallc.2019.048


Wang Yanfang

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Wang Yanfang


In China, many students are prone to be influenced by local dialect in the acquisition of second language. The big differences between dialect and second language often interfere students with the acquisition of second language, which is called the negative transfer. Dialect interference not only affects the segmental learning, such as vowels, consonants, but also the suprasegmental learning: stress, rhythm, liaison, assimilation, tone and intonation, and so on. In this paper, the author emphasizes the negative transfer of Minnan Dialect on students’ English pronunciation on the suprasegmental level: stress, rhythm, intonation. Finally, the author also briefly introduces some suggestions on English pronunciation teaching.


Minnan Dialect, Stress, Rhythm, Tone, Intonation, Negative Transfer