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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Chinese Character Form Design in Internet Advertising Font Design

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DOI: 10.25236/aisallc.2019.047


Yu Xi

Corresponding Author

Yu Xi


In recent years, with the continuous advancement and development of information technology and Internet technology, Internet technology has been inseparable in the process of production and management of various industries, including advertising design. Most of the current advertising is done by relying on Internet technology. However, in the process of font design in China, the current Internet advertising is more concerned with the external form of Chinese character design, and often ignores the inherent logic and its connotation of Chinese characters. In order to change this situation and improve the level of Internet advertising font design in China, this paper mainly analyzes and discusses the concept, development, characteristics, style, principle and specific design research of Chinese character font design.


Internet advertising, font design, Chinese character form design