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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Significance of Emotional Expressions for Oil Painting Creation

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DOI: 10.25236/aisallc.2019.011


Qian Kai

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Qian Kai


Oil painting is a form of painting from the West, it has strong expressive force and aesthetic feeling, so it is loved by the public. In this study, the importance of emotional expression in oil painting creation was elaborated, and a detailed analysis of emotional expression in oil painting creation was made by the way of illustrating famous paintings, including using color, lines and composition to express emotions, then the effective angle of self-emotional expression in oil painting creation was studied. Artistic creation requires the creator to show his emotions, to objectify his subjective thoughts, and to experience and reflect deeply in the process of creative practice, so as to present a good oil painting.


Oil Painting, Emotional Expression, Art, Aesthetics