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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Centennial Inheritance of Marxist Theories in China and the Trend of Development in the New Era

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DOI: 10.25236/aisallc.2019.003


Zhang Wenyu

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Zhang Wenyu


In the new era, the discipline of Marxist theory is gradually maturing and expanding, which greatly promotes the prosperity and development of philosophy and Social Sciences in China. The Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China has put forward many new requirements for the construction and development of Marxist theoretical disciplines in Colleges and universities. The new era urgently calls for theoretical innovation, which is not only the general law of the development of the history of human thought, but also the theoretical demand put forward by the new characteristics of the new era. The article makes a tentative reflection on the practice of Marxist theoretical discipline construction theory in China, and summarizes the law of socialist cultural construction. It is emphasized that in the process of building the discipline of Marxist theory, we must adhere to the guiding position of Marxist theory and carry out creative development in light of China's reality. The system sorts out the new features of the construction of Marxist theoretical disciplines in the development of the new era, in order to better explore the scientific path adapted to the construction of Marxist theoretical disciplines in the new era.


Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Marxist Theory, Theoretical Innovation