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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Applications of Big Data in Modern Football

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DOI: 10.25236/icmcs.2019.027


Zhehan Yang

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Zhehan Yang


Under the background of the prevailing data, the close combination of sports and big data adds wings to the development of sports industry, and the football industry rises rapidly in the sports industry. With the development of technology, football has been surrounded by data, and there are plenty of means to interpret the data. Although the data analysis may not be able to change the competition result, but it is undoubted that the era of football big data has arrived. This paper analyzes the role of big data in the development of modern football, big data promotes the development of football competitive level, expands the football training methods, and sums up the application of big data in the tactical analysis, sports equipment and the athlete selection.


Big data, Modern football, Applications