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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Interaction Design Research Tourism APP Application under UGC Mode

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DOI: 10.25236/i3ca.2017.07


Xue Bai, Xiaozhang Zhang

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Xue Bai


The UGC model widely attention in the field of mobile Internet tourism. How to better grasp the UGC mode user requirements, constantly optimize the user experience, conceived the interactive process more fluent and excellent visual interface effect, so as to get more users, has become a tourist class APP developer to issues of common concern. This article through to the UGC mode travel APP user research, in-depth analysis of user behavior and demand, from the information architecture, task, process design, navigation design, and detail design, preliminary summarized UGC mode travel APP interaction design principles.


UGC mode, Travel APP, Application,Interaction design.