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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Study on the Influence of Parental Rearing Pattern on Self-consistency and Congruence of Senior Middle School Students

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DOI: 10.25236/iwedss.2019.188


Qingyuan Fang, Jinhui Ye

Corresponding Author

Jinhui Ye


To explore the relationship between parental rearing pattern and self-consistency and congruence of senior middle school students, 885 students (480male and 405 female) aged from 16 to 19 years were measured by the Inventory for Measurement of Parental Rearing Pattern (EMBU) and the Self Consistency and congruence Scale (SCCS). Results revealed that among the senior middle school students, there are gender significant differences in father’s factor II, father’s factor III, father’s factor VI, mother’s factor II, mother’s factor V among senior middle school students (p<0.05 or p<0.01). While there are no gender significant differences in father’s factor I, father’s factor IV, father’s factor V, mother’s factor I, mother’s factor III, mother’s factor IV (p>0.05). There are significant differences in self-inconsistency, self-stiffness between male and female senior middle school students (p<0.05 or p<0.01), while there are no significant differences in self-agility (p>0.05). Father’s factor I and Mother’s factor I are significantly positively correlated with self-agility, father’s factor II, father’s factor III, father’s factor IV, father’s factor V, father’s factor VI, mother’s factor II, mother’s factor III, mother’s factor IV, mother’s factor V are significantly positively correlated with self-inconsistency and self-stiffness; while father’s factor I and mother’s factor I are significantly negatively correlated with self-inconsistency and self-stiffness, father’s factor II, father’s factor III, father’s factor IV, father’s factor V, father’s factor VI, mother’s factor II, mother’s factor III, mother’s factor IV, mother’s factor V are significantly negatively correlated with self-agility (p<0.05 or p <0.01). Regression analysis shows that parental rearing pattern has significant influence on the self-consistency and congruence of senior middle school students. The conclusion is that parental rearing pattern has significant influence on the self-consistency and congruence of senior middle school students.


Senior Middle School Students, Parental Rearing Pattern, Self-consistency and Congruence