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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The research and methods on the intercultural communication competence of minority college students in Jiangxi

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2019.325


Wu Xiaoyan

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Wu Xiaoyan


the goal of English education for minority college students is to cultivate their intercultural communication ability. However, the simplistic mastery of language cannot guarantee the mastery of intercultural communication competence. In English teaching, we should not only spread foreign cultures, but also increase the teaching of Chinese ethnic culture, especially the culture of Xinjiang and Tibet minorities in school. This paper, by analyzing the current situation of minority college students' English education in Jiangxi, puts forward the principles and corresponding methods to be followed in the cultivation of intercultural communicative competence, so as to improve the intercultural communicative competence of minority college students' English education in Jiangxi.


Ethnic minorities, English education, Cross-cultural communication skills