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Farmer Differentiation, Land Transfer and Farmer's Seed Use Behavior

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2019.206


Huang Hongwei

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Huang Hongwei


In this paper, the Ordered Logit model and the Logit model of new variety selection behavior of farmers are constructed. The field survey data of peanut growers in Chuzhou City, Anhui Province were used. This paper empirically studied the effects of peasant differentiation and land transfer on peanut growers' selection behavior of purchasing proportion and new varieties. The results show that farmers' occupational differentiation, income structure differentiation and identity differentiation will have a positive impact on the proportion of farmers purchasing and the probability of adopting new varieties. The proportion of land-to-household purchases and the probability of adopting new varieties will be significantly improved, and the proportion of land-based households to be purchased and the probability of adopting new varieties will be significantly reduced. The impact of land transfer on the purchase ratio of farmers and the probability of adopting new varieties is greater than the transfer of land.


Farmer differentiation, Land transfer, Seed use behavior