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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Innovation of Batch Adjusting Account after Accounting Based on BSS and CBSS

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DOI: 10.25236/i3ca.2017.06


Menglin Liu, Jianguang Liu

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Menglin Liu


The adjustment of batch accounts is going to start after the account is completed. The adjustment of batch accounts is one of the important links of accounting processing in the Information Service. The timeliness and accuracy of the adjustment of batch accounting is directly related to the success or failure of accounting treatment, and it is related to the responsiveness of market demand and the credibility of the market. On the basis of BSS and CBSS,this paper has carried on the innovation in order to accomplish the above mission. By applying this innovation, the work has been reduced in difficulty,the working hours are saved, and the procedural level of billing processing has improved. Thus opened up a new thinking about batch adjusting account after accounting .


Innovation, Adjusting Account, Batch Account.