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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Physical Education Teaching and Students'Ability Training

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2019.035


Zhu Bi

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Zhu Bi


Physical education aims at cultivating qualified students, so it is very important to cultivate students' abilities. In view of the shortcomings in the evaluation of physical education teaching in Colleges and universities, this paper puts forward the concept of lifelong physical education and establishes the evaluation system. In the content of the examination, the emphasis should be placed on students' sports ability. Through various sports activities to find problems, analyze problems, solve problems, tap students' creative potential, develop students' creativity. Research shows that the supervision and management of physical education should be intensified; the investment in physical education should be increased, the curriculum resources should be rationally developed; and the evaluation system and incentive mechanism of relevant capabilities should be established. Only by strengthening the emphasis on this issue can teachers fully play a guiding role and enhance the students' practice and ability. On the basis of cultivating students' ability to cooperate, they will exercise their own organizational skills and improve their overall quality.


Physical Education Teaching, Students, Ability, Training