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A Novel Routing Protocol Based on Reputation and Service Level in Opportunistic Networks

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DOI: 10.25236/icscbd.2018.006


Li Chengshuang

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Li Chengshuang


In the routing protocol of opportunistic networks, nodes tend to make requests to the forwarding nodes that have higher successful probability. As a result, the number of forwarding tasks of a higher successful probability nodes will increase, then this node will become more selfish due to the limitations of the node’s own resource, which will lead to a sharp decrease in a amount of forwarding tasks that higher successful probability nodes are willing to forward, and thus increase the overall delay time and decrease the delivery ratio of the routing protocol in opportunistic networks. In this context, to solve this problem, a reputation routing protocol is proposed in this research. Firstly, based on Social-based Watchdog System (SoWatch), a reputation model is constructed. Each node has computation reputation and recommendation reputation. The computation reputation consists of systematic reputation and subjective reputation. When the computation reputation is greater than the recommendation reputation and the difference exceeds a certain threshold, the recommendation reputation is updated. Secondly, from previous researches, the service level can effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of nodes to participate in data forwarding. So, by considering reputation, service level and routing protocol, a reputation prophet routing protocol(re-prophet) is designed based on prophet protocol. Simulation is performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed reputation routing protocol. The re-prophet is compared with the prophet, and the result shows that the reputation routing protocol is better and the delay time of the re-prophet is reduced by about 15%.


Reputation and Service Level, Novel Routing Protocol