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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Study on Customer-oriented Corporate Development Strategy

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DOI: 10.25236/msied.2018.014


Peiming Lin, Jinxin Zhang

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Peiming Lin


As the pillar industry of the national economy, the power industry has also been undergoing continuous and profound changes in recent years. DongFang Electronics (DFE), an enterprise providing energy management system solutions, products and services, will closely follow the changing situation, and adapt to the new social division of labor and competitive environment, so as to meet the diversified and personalized customer demands and satisfy the requirements of customer value innovation. DFE has deeply realized that in order to enhance its core competitiveness, it is necessary to change from pursuing only profits to taking "Customer orientation" as its goal, establish a link extending from the internal operation process of the enterprise to the internal value chain of the customer, focus on customer orientation and create value for customers, thus promoting the overall innovation and development of the company.


Customer Orientation, Internal Operation, Value Chain