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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

An Efficient Example of the Power Factor Correction Technology

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DOI: 10.25236/emcs.2018.113


Chaojun Yan, Wenbiao Peng

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Chaojun Yan


The power factor correction controller is needful for the well operation of power grid in order to eliminate the higher harmonics and improve the power-factor of electrical loadings. In the design of this system with the boost chopper as the core, the power-factor correction control chip named UCC28019 is chosen to produce PWM waveform to realize double closed loop feedback control and implement voltage output instead of the normal UC3854. The experiment results show that: when the ac voltage at the power input and the dc current of load change in a wide range, the output voltage of the dc power supply remains high stability. The ac power factor of power supply reaches 97%, therefore, it has the good effect of power factor correction. In addition to that, the functions such as the 2.5A over-current protection, the power factor measurement or display and so on are realized in this system.


Power-factor, boost circuit, Switching, Power Supply, Correction