Analysis of the Characteristics and Legislation of Life-long Education System in Korea based on Social Education
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DOI: 10.25236/fetms.2017.076
Shu Jin, Guangda Xu
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Shu Jin
In today's world, with the rapid development of economy and the popularization of the network, the rapid growth of information and knowledge, the rapid development of science and technology, the improvement of national quality for the national economic development and social progress more and more obvious, which requires the way through lifelong education Improve the quality of the people. Therefore, countries around the world attach great importance to the development of lifelong education. July 29, 2010, Chinese "National Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020)" put the concept of lifelong education as an important guiding ideology, put forward "to build a flexible and open lifelong education system", " Learning 'overpass' "," to 2020 to create a study of everyone, everywhere can learn, always learn the learning society, "the development of strategic objectives. However, due to the late life education theory and practice in China started late, the domestic research results in this field is small and lack of practical, therefore, learn from other countries, the excellent experience of lifelong education management for our country's life-long education practice has important theory and Practical significance.
Characteristics and Legislation Research, Korea, Life-long Education System.