The Influence of School Ethical Climate on Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Work Ethic
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DOI: 10.25236/icecbn.2018.002
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Xiangqian Wei
In this study, 673 middle and high school teachers were investigated by questionnaire in order to explore the relationship between school ethical climate (SEC) and teachers' organizational citizenship behavior (TOCB) and the mediating effect of teachers' work ethic (TWE) between them. The results show that SEC not only positively predicts TWE, but also TWE positively predicts TOCB. Work meaning dimension, behavior quality dimension and objective seeking dimension respectively play a part of mediating role between caring-oriented ethical climate and TOCB, and they respectively play a complete mediating role between rule-oriented ethical climate and TOCB. Conclusion: TWE play a part of mediating role between caring-oriented ethical climate and TOCB, and plays a complete mediating role between rule-oriented ethical climate and TOCB. In a word, TWE plays a mediating role between SEC and TOCB.
School Ethical Climate, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Work Ethic, Mediating Effect, Middle and High School Teachers