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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Bank Supports the Field of New and Old Kinetic Energy Conversion and Research on Innovative Strategies

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DOI: 10.25236/icemct.2018.039


Baojing Zhou, Ying Zheng, Chunmin Ma

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Baojing Zhou


This paper analyzes the connotation and mode of the new and old kinetic energy conversion, and then analyzes the dynamic evolution of the new and old kinetic energy conversion from the two-dimensional perspective of technical efficiency and technological progress. The transformation of new and old kinetic energy includes the focus of the four levels of factors, enterprises, industry and society. The transformation of old and new kinetic energy exists from the government-led to the government guidance, from the economic field to the social field, from the key demonstration to the comprehensive promotion, from the factor-driven to the innovation-driven, and from the gradual innovation to the subversive innovation.


Innovative Strategies, Kinetic Energy Conversion, New and Old Kinetic Energy