Research on Effect of CDFI on the Diagnostic Coincidence Rate of Superficial Lymph Node Tuberculosis Patients
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DOI: 10.25236/iclsmh.18.035
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Zheng Wang
Objective: To investigate the clinical value of ultrasound Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) in the diagnosis of superficial lymph node tuberculosis (SLNT). Methods: From December 2016 to July 2018, 97 patients with superficial lymphadenopathy in our hospital were selected for CDFI. The pathological diagnosis was used as the "gold standard" to analyze the diagnostic efficacy and SLNT imaging features of CDFI. Results: In 97 patients with superficial lymphadenopathy, 36 cases of SLNT and 61 cases of non-SLNT were diagnosed by pathological diagnosis. 37 cases of SLNT and 60 cases of non-SLNT were detected by CDFI. The specificity of CDFI diagnosis was 91.80% (56/61). For 88.89% (32/36), the positive predictive value was 86.49% (32/37), the negative predictive value was 93.33% (56/60), the diagnostic coincidence rate was 0.907, the Kappa index was 0.802, and the 95% CI was 0.603~ 1.001, P=0.000; patients with SLNT had higher PSV and RI than patients with benign lesions (P<0.05); the prone sites showed bilateral or one-sided hypoechoic nodules, and enlarged lymph nodes often became round, with the progress of the disease, internal echo weakened, the lymphatic structure was completely destroyed in the late stage, the echo was disordered, the CDFI explored and the blood flow in the lesion was rare, the peripheral blood flow was rich, and there was no blood flow signal inside the abscess. Conclusion: The PSV and RI of patients with SLNT are significantly increased. The CDFI diagnosis has specific imaging findings, which can provide data support for clinical diagnosis and treatment planning.
Ultrasound Doppler Flow Imaging, Superficial Lymphadenopathy, Superficial Lymph Node Tuberculosis, Diagnostic Efficacy