Study on the Application of Educational Psychology in College Teaching
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DOI: 10.25236/eduer.2018.138
Corresponding Author
Xiao Min
With the continuous development and maturity of educational psychology, colleges and universities use psychological knowledge combined with the Behaviorism Theory, Social Learning Theory, Schema Theory and other health education theories. Meanwhile, reasonable and efficient teaching means and methods are applied on different educational objects to improve teaching quality. Based on the teaching experience of colleges and universities and from the perspective of teaching thinking, this paper discussed the practical application of psychology in college teaching to help students change unhealthy behaviors. The author also suggests that teachers should lay a good foundation and reserve more psychological knowledge in the process of practical teaching. Effective teaching thinking is also very important, because it is a key factor to help students understand and increase their knowledge about health and make their own behavior develop in a healthy direction.
Educational Psychology, Health Education, Practical Teaching, Teaching Thinking.