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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Robust Optimization of H-arm Suspension Compliance Characteristics Based on Isight and CarSim

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DOI: 10.25236/icmit.2017.45


Shuhua Liao, Kaibin Cao, Jinwu Liu, Jiong Li, Shian Yang

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Shuhua Liao


Pointing to problem that the comprehensive evaluation score is not ideal for the steady state cornering test conditions and the fish hook test conditions of a passenger vehicle, considering the error of speed and locations of center of mass, taking the H-arm suspension of the passenger vehicle as an example, the robust optimization of suspension compliance characteristics based on Isight and CarSim method is proposed. Using CarSim software to model the whole vehicle and by handling stability to test the accuracy of the whole vehicle. Utilizing Isight software to analyze the degree of influence of bushing stiffness on suspension compliance characteristics and to verify the target function. Adopting the NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm to optimize the multi-objective robustness of vehicle handling stability. The result illustrated that both the vehicle handling stability and robustness improved a lot after optimization.


Robustness, Compliance Characteristics, NSGA-Ⅱ, Isight, CarSim.