Simulation Study of BSC Racing Modeling and Handling Stability Based on CarSim
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DOI: 10.25236/icmit.2017.44
Shuhua Liao, Kaibin Cao, Xu Zhang, Jiong Li, Jingsheng Yang
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Shuhua Liao
Pointing to the characteristics of the tournament of Baja SAE China, this paper analyzes the handling and stability of the whole vehicle during the project development of Baja Racing. A whole vehicle dynamics model based on CarSim software is built. Using 3D software to draw the three-dimensional vehicle model and importing it into CarSim to realize vehicle animation simulation. According to the requirements of the competition to set up the steady state cornering test conditions and the fish hook test conditions in the CarSim for analyzing and evaluating the handling and stability of the Baja Racing. The simulation result illustrated that the developed Baja Racing has good handling and stability.
BSC Racing, Handling Stability, Modeling, Simulation, CarSim.