A ZigBee multipath routing algorithm based on ant colony algorithm
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DOI: 10.25236/icmit.2017.42
Chaohua Wu, Yunfei Li, Juncheng Jia
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Chaohua Wu
There are many problem in moving process of wirless sensor network such as packet loss and link failures.This paper proposed a ZigBee multipath routing protocol Ant-AOMDVjr based on ant colony algorithm after the deep research of ant colony algorithm,AODVjr algorithm and AOMDV routing algorithm. Ant-AOMDVjr combines the advantages of ant colony algorithm,AODVjr and AOMDV,considers the link quality, routing hops and node energy into the router discovery and router maintenance.Simulation based on NS2 software indicates that the packet delay and end-to-end transmission delay is improved compared with AODVjr and AOMDV algorithm.
Ant colony algorithm, multipath routing, AODVjr, AOMDV.