Delayed Initialization of Monocular SLAM Based on Improved Least Squares
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DOI: 10.25236/icmit.2017.39
Huang Shuai, Fu Guangyuan, Wu Ming
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Huang Shuai
In order to solve the problem of lacking depth information of monocular SLAM, this paper proposes a method of delay depth initialization based on improved least squares. According to the principle of camera imaging, the robot performs two different observations on the same calibration point respectively, and the triangulation method is used to solve the initial depth information of the target pixel. Aiming at the problem of depth solution caused by the error of monocular wheeled robot, this paper improves the least squares method to estimate the optimal depth of target point, and the simulation experiment is carried out by using Matlab software. The experimental results show that the method proposed in this paper is simple and feasible for monocular SLAM. The method proposed in this paper is very accurate to initialize the depth information of monocular robot and the improved algorithm is superior to the least squares algorithm. Experiments show that the method proposed in this paper can solve the problem of lacking deepth information of monocular SLAM, and having the feasibility of applying to monocular SLAM.
Depth estimation, monocular SLAM, least squares, triangulation, camera model.