Research on the Relationship between Parental Rearing Patterns and Junior High School Students' Emotional Adjustment Strategies
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DOI: 10.25236/icepms.2018.118
Jie Yin, Fanggui Tang, Mei Liu
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Jie Yin
Objective: To understand the relationship between parenting style and junior high school students' emotional adjustment strategies. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted on 300 junior high school students from Hengyang Boya School by using the Parental Rearing Rating Scale revised by Yue Dongmei et al. and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategy Scale revised by Dong Guangheng and others. The data were statistically analyzed. Results (1) The parenting styles used by the parents of junior high school students were emotional warmth and understanding. There were differences in parenting styles of junior high school students of different genders and grades (P<0.05, t=3.681); (2) The mood adjustment strategies of junior high school students were overally positive. There were significant differences in the emotional adjustment strategies of junior high school students of different genders and grades (P<0.05, t=-2.914), and there was no difference in whether or not the only child (P>0.05). (3) There is a significant correlation between parenting style and junior high school students' emotional adjustment strategies. Conclusions: (1) Parents' parenting styles of junior high school students adopt more emotional warmth and understanding of parenting styles, but they still need further adjustment in the use of other parenting styles; (2) The junior high school students' emotional adjustment strategies are positive overall. The problems are mainly in contemplation and self-blame; (3) there is a correlation between parenting style and junior high school students' emotional adjustment strategies.
Parenting Style, Junior High School Students, Emotional Adjustment Strategies