Research on College English Teaching in Independent College under the Background of "MOOC"
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DOI: 10.25236/icepms.2018.065
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Ting Zhang
MOOC has brought forth unparalleled impact on higher education both at home and abroad. Based on a sharp insight into the unique strength and inherent weakness of MOOC, this paper points out the new requirement faced by college English teaching in China, i.e., the internationalization of higher education, and borrows lesson from such English teaching models as ESP and CBI. In combination with an analysis of the practical situation of English learning among students in independent college where the writer works as an English teacher, this paper tries to offer some suggestion in English teaching of Chinese independent colleges, in terms of teaching contents, evaluation methods as well as teachers’ construction.
"Mooc", Internationalization of Higher Education, Esp, Cbi, Independent College