Research on Formation Method of Multi-robot
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DOI: 10.25236/icmit.2017.10
Qinzhao Wang, Jinyong Cheng, Xiaolong Li, Jin Pei, Junxiao Bao
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Qinzhao Wang
Aiming at the formation problem of multi-robot formation, a phased multi-robot formation strategy is proposed. The formation strategy takes full account of the robot's pose information and formation cost constraints, and decomposes the formation problem into two stages: the formation point distribution and the motion control. An improved discrete differential evolution algorithm is used to allocate the appropriate formation point for the robot. The motion controller is constructed using the consistency theory and the potential field idea, so that the robot at any initial position can move to the formation point without safety. Simulation results show that the formation strategy can form an effective formation, reduce the resource consumption of the robot during the formation process and improve the formation efficiency.
Multi-robot, formation, differential evolution algorithm, artificial potential field.