Search Algorithm Study Based on Big Data Technology in Civil Aircraft Research and Development
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DOI: 10.25236/icmit.2017.06
Hongxia Cai, Minshan Ren
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Hongxia Cai
Comparing with the search function focusing on massive unstructured process data in current civil aircraft system, the improved search algorithm proposed in this paper mainly makes the following optimization:At first, the data is preprocessed before segmentation to enhance the precision and speed;Secondly, considering that keywords in different places weight differently, a concept of key coefficient is introduced based on the traditional TF-IDF algorithm, and for a better representativeness of the extracted words, threshold in the weight of keywords is set as extracted words filters; Then, the improved TF-IDF algorithm is based on the big data programming model MapReduce to improve the computational efficiency. Final, including the feedback of individual query, the improved sorting algorithm can provide a better query result to meet users’ demand.
Big Data, TF-IDF algorithm, Civil Aircraft.