Study on the Distribution Characteristic and Engineering Behavior of Moraine Layers in Northwest Yunnan
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DOI: 10.25236/icmit.2017.04
Chun-yang Chai, Xi-yong Wu, Guang-ze Zhang
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Chun-yang Chai
Northwest Yunnan had experienced glaciation many times since the quaternary. Moraine layers are fragmentary material and loose deposits produced by glacial erosion in the early and interglacial periods. It is characterized by the complex composition, uneven grain composition and disordered structure, etc. In this paper, based on the construction of Lijiang to Shangri-la railway, the distribution and class of the moraine layer in Northwest Yunnan were investigated in the field. On the basis of indoor and in-situ tests, the particle composition, degree of consolidation, physical and mechanical properties of moraine layer were mainly studied. The moraine layer foundation strength and slope stability were evaluated comprehensively. The research provided scientific basis to the engineering scheme and measures. It is significant for engineering surveys, designs and constructions of the moraine layer in northwest Yunnan. It also provided references for Sichuan-Tibet railway and the Yunnan-Tibet railway construction.
Northwest Yunnan, Glaciation, ice moraine layer, Distribution characteristic, Engineering characteristics.