Study on the Impact of Small Class Teaching on Students' Classroom Learning Behavior: Based on College English Teaching
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DOI: 10.25236/issec.2018.108
Corresponding Author
Li Guo
Learning is the basis of human beings, and learning to learn is even the most important part of the times. It is an inexhaustible motive force for sustainable human development. In the context of the new curriculum reform, small class teaching has emerged quietly. It has been called "a quiet revolution" and has created a good opportunity for students' development in theory and practice. Classroom teaching includes bilateral activities between teachers and students. Regardless of who is missing, the meaning of the class teaching is lacking. In order to make a deeper understanding of the reform of small class teaching, this paper takes the learning behavior of middle school students in small class as the basic research point, and pays attention to the process of realizing the learning behavior of students in small class teaching.
Small class teaching, Classroom learning, College English teaching.