Reform and Innovation of Practical Teaching in Application-oriented Universities
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DOI: 10.25236/issec.2018.104
Corresponding Author
Chen Li'e
With the continuous development of the society, people have been proposing new standards and requirements for university teaching, i.e., colleges and universities should pay attention to practical teaching in development and reform and improve teaching methods in practical teaching; furthermore, reform and innovation of practical teaching shall be realized. In practical teaching, though many educators have realized the importance of practical teaching, many problems appear in practical teaching situations, which are the disadvantage of fulfilling the requirements and standards of education department and relative personnel. This paper starts from the perspective of practical teaching problems in application-oriented university and studies the causes of practical teaching problems, thereby proposing effective improvement measures for reform and innovation for practical teaching in application-oriented university.
Practical teaching in application-oriented university, Essential problems, Reform and innovation, Cause of teaching problems.