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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A study of illegal wildlife trade based on the TOPSIS method

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DOI: 10.25236/icetmr.2024.008


Haotian Zhou, Huihan Xu

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Haotian Zhou


Illegal wildlife trade has become rampant in recent years, and global biodiversity and ecosystem balance are facing serious challenges. This study aims to establish a 5-year data-driven project to significantly improve the situation. Ultimately, we selected the Indonesian Ministry of Environment as our client. During the client selection phase, we used a multi-objective integrated assessment model based on environmental weights - TOPSIS - to evaluate and score each potential target client. Ultimately, based on the calculated scores, we selected the Indonesian Ministry of Environment as our client. The ministry has global reach and is a key player in countries involved in illegal wildlife trade. We emphasized our client's unique strengths as a government department. Our project emphasized the importance of global collaboration to achieve significant impact.


TOPSIS; wildlife; illegal trade; evaluation models