Exploration of Digitized and Intelligent College Physics Courses Based on Knowledge Graphs
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DOI: 10.25236/ieesasm.2024.048
Xiuying Gao, Jing Xu, Qiang Guo, Hui Sun, Tixian Zeng, Li Luo
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Xiuying Gao
By leveraging knowledge graphs and intelligent teaching management platforms, this paper is implementing flipped classroom instruction and blended online-offline teaching that promotes active learning. This approach truly shifts the focus of education from "learning knowledge" to "strengthening abilities and emphasizing competencies," and transforms "teacher-student interaction" into deep interactions among teachers, students, and machines. Teachers transition from being mere transmitters of knowledge to becoming learning facilitators, and from being the dominant figures in the teaching process to becoming companions and motivators. Students move from passive recipients of information to active explorers, from individual learners to collaborative and personalized learners. They also evolve from limited resource users to selectors of vast resources, from single-resource dependency to integrators of multimodal resources. The emphasis shifts from memorizing knowledge to cultivating abilities and enhancing competencies, from specialized learning to interdisciplinary knowledge integration, and from teacher supervision to self-monitoring and self-management.
Knowledge graphs, intelligent teaching management platforms, Personalized learning, Full dimension evaluation system