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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Practical Mode and Influence of Educational Technology on the Expansion of Learning Opportunities for Socially Disadvantaged Groups

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DOI: 10.25236/ieesasm.2024.047


Yingying Tian, Yongjian Liao

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Yingying Tian


This article discusses how educational technology can effectively expand the learning opportunities of social vulnerable groups, and deeply analyzes the application status, practice mode and influence mechanism of educational technology in this field. The introduction expounds the universality of educational unfairness, especially the obstacles faced by social vulnerable groups in learning opportunities, and then puts forward the research topic of promoting educational fairness and enhancing the learning opportunities of vulnerable groups by using educational technology. Starting from the definition and classification of educational technology, the main part of the article describes in detail how online learning platform, distance education, intelligent tutoring system and community education provide flexible and diverse learning resources, personalized learning paths and barrier-free learning environment for vulnerable groups. Through the implementation of these models, educational technology can improve the learning achievements of vulnerable groups, change their learning motivation and attitude, and promote social integration and self-development. Research shows that educational technology, with its unique advantages, has played an irreplaceable role in expanding the learning opportunities of socially disadvantaged groups and provided a strong support for the realization of educational equity.


Educational technology; Social vulnerable groups; Learning opportunities; Educational equity; Practice mode