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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Application of SQL Language in Accounting Information System Practice Course

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DOI: 10.25236/ieesasm.2024.031


Zishu Yuan

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Zishu Yuan


By systematically designing teaching courses, implementing teaching practice and collecting feedback from learners and educators, this article deeply analyzes the position of SQL (Structured Query Language) in accounting education and its influence on students' accounting information processing ability. This article first introduces the basic knowledge of SQL language and the principle of accounting information system, and makes clear the importance and necessity of integrating SQL into the practice course of accounting information system. Subsequently, the teaching objectives, teaching contents and methods, practical links and evaluation and feedback mechanism of curriculum design are elaborated in detail to ensure the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of teaching practice. The results show that the learning of SQL language can significantly improve students' accounting information processing ability and enhance their understanding and application ability of accounting information system. Generally speaking, SQL language plays an important role in the practice course of accounting information system, and continuous exploration and innovation is of great significance to improve the quality of accounting education.


SQL language; Accounting information system; Teaching practice; Accounting information processing ability; Continuous innovation