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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the influence mechanism of digital economy on the performance of manufacturing enterprises

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DOI: 10.25236/ieesasm.2024.010


Yunjiang Yang

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Yunjiang Yang


In view of the slowdown in the overall growth of the manufacturing industry, the increasing pressure on enterprises to operate, the regional heterogeneity in the development of digital economy, and the risk of bottleneck of key technologies, this paper applies the transaction cost theory, the scope economy theory and the value chain theory to analyze the mechanism of digital economy affecting the performance of manufacturing enterprises. A comprehensive analysis framework of the impact of digital economy on manufacturing enterprise performance is constructed. To clarify the theoretical logic and mechanism of action that the development of digital economy affects the performance of manufacturing enterprises has an important guiding significance for promoting the high-quality development of manufacturing industry in our country.


Digital economy development; Industry digital development; Enterprise digital transformation; Service-oriented manufacturing industry