Multidimensional Comparative Study on the Symmetry Themes in Chen Chuncheng’s Novel Collection Night-Time Submarine and Borges’ Works
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DOI: 10.25236/ieesasm.2024.001
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Pengjun Guo
Whether through Borges’ influence on contemporary Chinese avant-garde literature, which then extended to popular literature, or through direct references made by the author, Chen Chuncheng’s Night-Time Submarine is clearly shaped by Borges’ works. The theme of symmetry, evident in both the background settings and narrative structures, draws from and reimagines elements found in Borges’ writings. Moreover, both writers were influenced by Cao Xueqin’s Dream of the Red Chamber, resulting in a shared narrative structure that transcends diverse cultural backgrounds and literary genres. The concept of symmetry within this fantasy genre holds significant historical and aesthetic value, underscoring the need to trace the origins of this thematic connection.
Symmetry, Narrative Structure, Fantasy and Reality, Geometric Aesthetics, Dream of the Red Chamber, Modern Society, Imaginary Spaces, Symbolism